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PZC Minutes 02-26-2013
MEMBERS PRESENT: Patrick Kennedy, Bart Pacekonis, Viney Wilson, Bill Carroll, Mario Marrero, Elizabeth Kuehnel
ALTERNATES PRESENT: Stephanie Dexter, Will Butter, Stephen Wagner
STAFF PRESENT: Michele Lipe, Town Planner; Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer; Lauren Zarambo, Recording Secretary

  • Appl. 13-06P, GDS Estimating – request for a 1 lot resubdivision and site plan of development for a 13,000 sq ft industrial building on property located on the northerly side of Governor’s Highway, easterly of Nutmeg Road North (to be known as 470 Governor’s Highway), I zone

Chairman Kennedy called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and appointed Commissioner Wagner to be seated for Commissioner Foley.

Robert Dickinson of 19 Birch Road spoke to the Commission about the expansion of sidewalks in industrial/commercial areas.

NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

  • Request for approval of a new “Development Identification Sign” at southern most entrance to Evergreen Walk
Alan Lamson of FLB Architecture & Planning, Inc. representing Evergreen Walk, LLC presented the request for approval for modifications to the existing signage at the corner of Tamarack Avenue and Buckland Road. An image of the existing sign located at the NW corner was provided to the Commissioners. The zoning regulations allow for two, one-sided 50 sf signs at the entrance only.  To date only one has been installed. A second sign is being proposed to be placed on the other corner of the entrance to be the same size, color, material, matching base and illumination. Identification signs in the Buckland Gateway zone require approval by the Commission. Mr. Lamson referred to a site plan which showed the location of the proposed sign. No staff comments were made. Commissioner Carroll asked if the existing sign would also be changed. Mr. Lamson replied it would be changed so that both will appear as the drawing submitted. Commissioner Marrero asked if the size of the lettering would remain the same. Mr. Lamson described the changes and verified the name of the apartment complex will be ‘Aura’.

Motion to approve was made by Vice Chairman Pacekonis, seconded by Commissioner Wilson. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

  • Appl. 13-01P, Sullivan Place LLC – request for site plan approval for a site access and clearing plan for a future project to be known as “Sullivan Place Centers”, on property located on the southerly side of Sullivan Ave. (across from Morgan Farms and Hillside Drive), GC zone.
Phil Tartsinis for Sullivan Place Centers came before the Commission for approval for site access only. He began describing different alternatives considered for access to the site. The proposed access point lines up with Hillside Drive and he is proposing a full access at this location.  The interconnection to the existing plaza will meet the criteria to create an ‘access of convenience’ which will alleviate some traffic and better the levels of service. All the reports were done without the interconnection (access of convenience) in place and with a single lane exiting the site. Bonds are in place for the proposed traffic signal at 855 Sullivan Avenue and they are now waiting for the easement to be finalized with the State. Mr. Tartsinis has reviewed the Bubaris traffic report and stated he has an issue with the recommendation for 43-foot width required for bypass lanes when 39-foot width exists. Commissioner Wilson asked for clarification of the proposed access drive on the map provided.

David Spear, Principal Engineer with DLS Traffic Engineering who created the traffic study for the proposed development, continued the discussion on the site’s access, traffic and levels of service. Mr. Spear stated they went over this information with Jim Bubaris, of Bubaris Traffic Associates, who created the traffic report on the Town’s behalf which includes a summary table and recommendations to consider as part of the approval. The first recommendation is for an internal connection which the developer is willing to provide for an access of convenience and will be applying to DOT to do so by way of an encroachment driveway. The second recommendation was for the traffic signal to be in place before the full access is allowed at the driveway to which they have no objection. The third recommendation was for a 24-foot bypass area to create 48 feet of pavement at the driveway. Mr. Spears stated this is more than bypass areas require which is usually about 20 feet. He also stated the geometry of Sullivan Avenue will be decided by the encroachment permit with the DOT because it is a state road. The details will all be worked out by the time of the final site plan application.

Town Planner, Michele Lipe, reminded the Commission only the access portion of the plan was being addressed in this meeting and that sidewalks may be looked for as part of the site plan approval process. Ms Lipe stated the police department did review the traffic reports. Lt Richard Bond, after conferring with Chief Reed, reported their concern is the single entrance for the new property starting with a level of service “F”. They are encouraging having the access of convenience plan joining the two properties from the beginning because without it left hand turns from the site will prove problematic.

Ms Lipe referenced the traffic report distributed from Bubaris Traffic Associates (Exhibit A) and specifically the chart with the analysis of the levels of service.  She read the following excerpts from the report. ‘The Town needs to be cautioned that outbound two lane approaches to un-signalized intersections are typically discouraged and usually disallowed by ConnDOT at un-signalized intersections due to the site line restrictions created by two competing exiting vehicles as they attempt to enter the traffic stream in adjacent lanes which is a traffic safety concern. Therefore ConnDot may only allow one lane outbound approach for the proposed site. At a minimum, the subject development proposed site access egress drive and the impact on the subject’s development on Sullivan Avenue will need to be reviewed by ConnDOT’s local district office as far as the encroachment permit review and approval process. Additionally the subject development may have to be reviewed by the office of State Traffic Administration and as well as should an internal connection be provided between the subject and the abutting development to the west. ConnDOT’s local district office is now in the process of determining whether OSHA review and approval will be required.’

The Planner then read the following recommendations from the Bubaris report to the Commission stating that the staff supports these recommendations:

  • Those exiting the site will encounter delays due to the unsignalized nature of the proposed site drive. Although a two-lane outbound approach would ease this constraint for those existing right (to the east), it is unlikely that ConnDOT will allow a two-lane outbound approach. It would be prudent for the developer to consider an internal connection to the property to the west which, with a signal, would provide an opportunity for those exiting the site to take benefit of this signalized site drive as well.
  • The proposed signal at the No. 855 site drive to the west will help to create gaps in Sullivan Avenue traffic at the proposed site drive intersection. It is recommended that full access/egress not be allowed at the subject site drive until such time as the signal to the west is installed and operational.
  • The width of Sullivan Avenue along the site’s frontage provides about a 20-foot wide half-section in each direction which is the minimum width required for a bypass area to allow through traffic to travel around vehicles either stopped or slowing to enter Hillside Drive or the subject site. It is highly recommended that Sullivan Avenue be widened in both directions to provide a minimum 24-foot wide half-section in each direction approaching the intersection for a full-width distance of 100 feet with additional lengths of transition areas (existing width to widened width, and then back to existing width).
Town Engineer, Jeff Doolittle, gave staff comments:

  • With regard to the traffic reports, there is presently evidence that vehicles are jumping the curb on the south side of Sullivan Avenue to get around vehicles turning left onto Hillside Drive which suggests there does need to be widening there.
  • Sullivan Avenue was originally laid out to be two lanes in both directions. It is not in this section but the DOT ultimately expects it be to two lanes in both directions.
  • The drainage crossing Sullivan Avenue will need to cross the proposed driveway. There needs to be more information for that drainage including sizing. It takes water from Sullivan Avenue and Hillside Drive and a stream which flows along Hillside Drive. More details are required.
  • Details are needed about the wall, which exists because of the drainage, along the south side of their proposed driveway. A guide rail with a possibe fence on top may be required to keep vehicles and pedestrians from going over the wall.  It is unknown how large that wall will be at this point.
  • An address must be assigned to the property.
  • A sewer connection is shown from a man hole on Sullivan Avenue onto the site which needs WPCA approval. Presently there are no sewer connections or extensions approved for the site.
Mr. Tartsinis stated he was told by his civil engineer, Robert Arsenault, that the drainage is a state drainage system and wants to have the state’s feedback before modifying the plans. He supports the access of convenience because it supports his ultimate goal of enlarging and giving access to the Major Donnelly land preserve and using a portion of the property for its intended use for commercial development.

Commissioner Marrero interjected anyone taking a left at peak hours in that area of Sullivan Avenue is competing for gaps on a road that leads to the mall with minimal gaps in peak hours. He commended the applicant on installing a signal. The Commissioner asked the Town Planner if there was an access management plan for the site. The Planner replied the access management plan was not site specific. An access management regulation was adopted which requires as development occurs, access management regulations must be followed if certain thresholds are met. Because the site is owned by two separate owners, they do not meet the requirements for requiring a shared access. Commissioner Marrero continued he was under the impression both parcels were owned by the same owner and suggested a variety of approaches for the developer to undertake. Mr. Tartsinis concurred with Commissioner Marrero that present conditions have to be improved for the safety of those entering and exiting the site and stated the traffic signal will improve conditions. Mr. Tartsinis stated not having a full access driveway limits development to professional use only where as full access can also allow for retail development. They are trying to find a happy medium with adequate parking and access for a successful development.  They are only proposing using 4 of the total 17.6 acres due to the wetland limitations.

Commissioner Carroll asked about the building’s placement in regards to the surrounding wetlands and questioned if they were planning to have two opposing center turn lanes at the entrance on Sullivan Avenue. Discussion followed between Mr. Tartsinis and Commissioner Marrero about center turning lanes. Commissioner Marrero suggested the use of a bypass area instead of opposing turning lanes. Mr. Tartsinis stated DOT will dictate whether bypass or turning lanes will be used and he is committed to one or the other along with the installing the “access of convenience” and having the traffic signal in place at 855 Sullivan Avenue.

Commissioner Wagner asked about sidewalks along Sullivan Avenue. Mr. Tartsinis stated when he initially discussed the project with the Planner Lipe and Senior Environmental Planner Folger he brought up the possibility of installing sidewalks and would not be opposed to installing them as a condition of the site plan approval. Discussion continued on access, drainage and approval previously received from IWA/CC. Planner Lipe stated what is being decided at this meeting relates to full access of left turns in and out of the site subject to DOT review. Vice Chairman Pacekonis stated there is an intention to have a walk-able community in South Windsor and asked about having a painted cross walk on Sullivan to increase the safety of crossing. Town staff discouraged mid-block crossings along Sullivan Ave. Discussion continued.

Commissioner Kuehnel made a motion to approve the application for Access Only with the following modifications:

Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
No building permit will be issued until a site plan of development has been approved by this Commission.
This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency / Conservation Commission, dated November 21, 2012.
All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 9.1.3 of the Zoning Regulations.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
The building street number must be included on the final plan.
Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
Engineering comments dated January 16, 2013 must be incorporated into the final plans.
The developer must the internal interconnection to the property to the west prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
The proposed signal at 855 Sullivan Avenue must be installed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
The width of Sullivan Avenue along the site’s frontage must be widened to provide a minimum 24-foot wide half-section in each direction approaching the intersection for a full-width distance of 100 feet with additional lengths of transition areas.

The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wilson. Commissioner Marrero objected stating for the record he does not agree with allowing left turns onto Sullivan Avenue out of the proposed drive. The motion carried 6-1 and the vote was as follows: Commissioners Kennedy, Pacekonis, Wilson, Carroll, Kuehnel, and Wagner voted to approve the application. Commissioner Marrero voted against.

  • Appl. 13-02P, Mannarino Builders, Inc.- request for a site plan modification to change the use of “Proposed Open Space E – 5.3 acres” in the approved open space subdivision known as “Dzen Tree Farm” Subdivision, on property located on the easterly side of Maskel Road, westerly side of Barber Hill Road, A-20, A-30 and RR zones
Application postponed.

  • Request of Mannarino Builders for one model home in Dzen Tree Farm Phase III (see attached letter)
Town Planner Lipe stated in the past when approving model homes two conditions are generally looked for:

  • All normal building procedures still apply, e.g., provision of emergency access, building permit procedures, etc.
  • The model homes will not be offered for sale and cannot receive certificate of occupancy until the site bond is posted and final plans are filed in the Town Clerk’s office. All normal certificate of occupancy procedures remain in effect.
Vice Chairman Pacekonis asked where ‘Phase III’ was located. Planner Lipe replied it is a continuation of Frazer Fir completing the roadway out to Barber Hill Road.

A motion was made to approve by Vice Chairman Pacekonis with the two conditions previously stated by Planner Lipe and seconded by Commissioner Wilson. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

  • Appl. 13-04P, 1496 Realty Associates LLC - request for site plan modification to construct a 3,744 sf warehouse building on property located at 1496 John Fitch Boulevard, Industrial zone
Jay Ussery of J.R. Russo & Associates presented the application introducing Bruce Lefebvre, property owner, and described the site’s location and history. The existing facility on the site is called ‘Chem Station’ which includes office space and small manufacturing areas as well as housing the ‘Classic Car Club’. The new building being proposed is a fifteen bay garage to be located at rear building line of the parcel. The building will have multiple copulas on its roof and a mechanical room for heating and cooling purposes. Despite the unusual shape of the lot, zoning requirements are met in terms of location and impervious coverage. Some pavement will be removed to become grass and along the southerly side of site and pavement and gravel will be added in front of the new building. The entire property is currently fenced and some of the fencing will be relocated on to their property. Outdoor display areas will be reconfigured and privacy slats added so the existing fencing so that the outdoor storage will not be visible from the highway. No new drainage structures or changes made to the existing drainage patterns are proposed. There are no facilities within the new building and no sewer hook ups are required. ADRC has reviewed the project.

Town Planner, Michele Lipe, gave staff comments.

Request for approval for a site plan modification to add a 3,440 square feet warehouse building to house “classic cars” on property located at 1496 John Fitch Boulevard, I zone.
The applicant is proposing to combine two properties adjacent properties in effort to meet the zoning requirements. Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 65%, 64.7% proposed
The new building will be to the south of the existing building. There are no new curb cuts proposed; the existing driveways on John Fitch Boulevard will service the new addition.
The combined parking requirement for the office, manufacturing use and warehouse use on this property is 23 spaces.  The applicant is providing 18 spaces (including 3 handicap spaces) and is showing an area of “reserve parking” for 5 spaces to meet the requirements.
Other changes to the plan include screening the outdoor storage area with slats, relocating the existing fence onto the applicant’s property (currently encroaches onto the rail ROW) and putting the existing dumpster on a concrete pad with screening.
The ADRC reviewed the plans on 2/21/13 and were satisfied with the plans as presented.
The plans show that new lighting to be added consists of wall paks that will be added to the building.  The applicant should provide a cutsheet for these proposed lights.
There is no new signage proposed for the site.
There are no regulated wetlands on the property.
Water and sewer currently serve the property.  No new hookups are proposed with the new building.
The Fire Marshal has reviewed this proposal and has not expressed any concerns.
If this application is approved, there are no additional modifications requested.

The Town Engineer had no comments.

Commissioner Wagner asked about the fiber glass vessels being stored on the property that he saw when visiting the site. Mr. Ussery stated they are used for outside storage and some of them will be relocated to behind the building, some will be left outside and hidden from the road by the privacy slats and some will be removed. Vice Chairman Pacekonis also visited the site and after speaking to the owner feels it is a good application to be approved. Commissioner Carroll asked about the existing business. Mr. Ussery stated it is called ‘Chem Station’ which manufactures commercial industrial detergents for floors and vehicles. Commissioner Wagner asked if all the privacy slats were required given the attractiveness of the proposed building. Mr. Ussery agreed but noted zoning requirements for outdoor storage. The owner stated, because of the grade change, the new building will be visible when driving north on Route 5 from a distance until almost to the property.

A motion was made to approve by Vice Chairman Pacekonis with the following modifications:

  • Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
  • No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
  • An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 9.1.3 of the Zoning Regulations.
  • All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
  • This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
  • The building street number must be included on the final plan.
  • Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
  • All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
  • If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
  • A cut sheet of the proposed lighting must be submitted in conformance with the lighting regulations.
  • A new deed must be filed to combine the properties.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Carroll. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

  • Appl. 13-05P, AMOUN PITA - request for site plan approval to utilize a 5,000 sf building for a wholesale bakery and distribution, on property located at 361 Pleasant Valley Road, Industrial zone
Karen Isherwood, principle of Isherwood Engineering, presented the application stating her clients previously received approval in 2010 to lease out half of the building for the wholesale bakery which at the time had three employees and one truck. Now they want to take over the entire 5,000 sq ft building. They are proposing a loading dock and a covered carport area and are seeking to tie the existing septic system for this building into the sewer. There is also the issue of encroachment of the existing uses from the other buildings on the site. Building 357 is the existing residence, building 361 is ‘AMOUN PITA’ and in the back building is ‘Garlands’, a truck vehicle repair shop. Additional parking is being added for the increase of 3 employees to 15 employees. Parking is being taken away to accommodate the new loading dock and is being added in another area. There are now 3 box trucks and 2 trailer trucks on site. The plans show a gravity sewer line from the existing building which allows for the removal of the existing septic system and tying in a new grease trap. There are interior plumbing for floor drains and new sinks for bakery use proposed.

There are two mobile homes on the property and the site is currently in violation of zoning regulations. Ms Isherwood’s clients have arranged to sell both trailers with the stipulation that they cannot be moved to a trailer park until July. There is existing encroachment of vehicles onto the neighboring Botticello property associated with the Garland’s use. In trying to bring the site into compliance efforts have been made to clean up the site and they have entered into a lease agreement with Dennis Botticello allowing use of the property. Commissioner Carroll asked if Garland owned the entire property. Ms Isherwood stated that Garland Pelletier, Rhetts LLC, owns all the buildings and the property and AMOUN PITA is seeking to lease their area. Dumpsters will be put on a concrete pad and screened with a four foot high solid privacy fence. A sign permit has been applied for to modify and embellish the sign and bring that sign that was recently installed into compliance. The bill of sale for the trailers, ‘Exhibit B’, and signed lease agreement, ‘Exhibit C’, were submitted to the Planner.

The Town Planner gave staff comments:

  • This business started 3 years ago with a small portion of the building on a very small scale and at that time approval was given with the understanding if they were to expand they would have to come up with a site plan and address concerns.
  • Based on an inspection of the health officer and zoning officer, work had started and a stop work order was issued and  the gentlemen were sited for the 2 trailers on site that were hooked up to the septic system and actually had people living in them. It is unknown if the trailers are still occupied or not. This was several months ago. The applicant was told the trailers would have to be moved before any building permits would be issued. A bill of sale, ‘Exhibit B’, has been submitted tonight and the Commission can decide whether or not it is comfortable with this document. The trailers were brought on to the site not in compliance and there is an active zoning violation against them at this time.
  • This is the first site plan ever done for this building which was built in the 1960’s but there was never a parking layout.  The plan that has been prepared addresses the impervious coverage and parking requirements for the entire property.
  • Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 65%.  They will be at 60 % and with the added parking spaces they meet the lot size and frontage requirement etc.
  • There are currently three buildings on site: a residence and two industrial buildings. The parking requirement for the residence, office and manufacturing use on this property is 20 spaces.  The applicant is providing 22 spaces (including 1 handicap space).  The applicant is proposing a four foot high fence with screening along the northern parking area between the house and the business.
  • There is a great deal of concern about the encroachments on this site because, again, this is not an approved site and these encroachments are not something the commission would approve. Ms. Isherwood has shown the lease area on the plans and a copy of the lease, ‘Exhibit C’, has been submitted tonight. This is an annual lease and it can be terminated by either party. It is suggested that as a condition of approval that when and if the lease is ever terminated the applicant is required to come back in and demonstrate compliance with the zoning requirements. Anyone visiting the site will notice there is a great deal of parking beyond what AMOUN PITA is going to have. The town is hopefully working with them to clean up the site as well.
  • The only new addition to the building will be a loading dock and with a four foot high fence on top for safety. They are showing a railing to be placed around the dock.  The applicant recently painted the building and added a canopy at the entrance.  A building permit is required for the canopy structure and should be submitted as soon as possible.
  • There is no new lighting proposed.  The applicant has recently taken out a new sign permit and has proposed to embellish the existing sign that was in violation.
  • There are no regulated wetlands on the property, however part of the property is within the 80 foot upland review area.  There is no new work proposed in this area, so there is no wetland permit required for this application.
  • Water and septic currently serve this building on the property.  There is a sewer that services the front house and a septic system for the two industrial buildings.  With this application, the applicant is proposing to hook up the middle industrial building. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is required for the new sewer connection to this building.
  • The Fire Marshal has reviewed this proposal and does not have any concerns.
  • If this application is approved, in addition to other modifications requested, the planning department requests that no building permits be issued until the existing zoning violation is addressed with the removal of the mobile home trailers from the property.
Town Engineer, Jeff Doolittle, gave staff comments:

  • The sanitary lateral locations for 357 Pleasant Valley Road, the house, and the connection for 361 Pleasant Valley Road need to be approved by WPCA.
  • Any erosion from storm water run off to the south from the back of the site will need to be addressed.
Vice Chairman Pacekonis asked if the trailers are going to be removed. Ms Isherwood replied there will be two trailers on site. The Vice Chairman noted there is a third trailer still on site. Ms Isherwood stated that trailer has no involvement with AMOUN PITA and she believes it is owned by Garland Pelletier. As part of the lease agreement it will be allowed to stay in the lease area and AMOUN PITA has no control over it. Planner Lipe clarified that this is an application that the owner has signed which makes it his site plan and he will have to work with the applicant in order for this site plan to be complied with. Commissioner Carroll asked if there will be open storage in the leased area and asked if the trailers are considered open storage. Planner Lipe stated if something is ‘road ready’ it is not considered outside storage under the regulations. The Commissioner asked about fencing. Ms Isherwood described the proposal indicating four arborvitaes to be planted in attempt to screen a trailer. In addition, a four foot fence to screen a rear area, vehicles and dumpsters. No fencing is proposed for the east side of the site. There is an existing fence which will be tied into with a full privacy screen and additional tree in the interior for the parking requirement.

Commissioner Wagner stated after visiting the site he questioned whether there would be encroachment on the existing path making the path narrower after the loading dock is installed. Ms Isherwood replied it was designed so there would be no encroachment. Discussion continued about the two mobile home trailers to be moved by July. The Commissioners concluded their removal should be a condition of approval of this site plan in order to bring the site into compliance. Vice Chairman Pacekonis asked about the requirements for striped parking and handicapped parking and whether it becomes something for zoning enforcement to affect future compliance.

A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Carroll with the following modifications:

  • Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
  • No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
  • A landscape bond in the amount of $1000 is required and must be submitted prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy if work is not completed.
  • All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
  • An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 9.1.3 of the Zoning Regulations.
  • All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
  • This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
  • The building street number must be included on the final plan.
  • Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
  • All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
  • If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
  • No building permits will be issued until the existing mobile home trailers (which are currently a zoning violation) are removed from the site.  A building permit is required for the newly installed canopy on the building.
  • Engineering comments dated 2/26/13 must be incorporated into the final plans.
  • At such time as the lease with the abutting property owner expires or is not renewed, the applicant will have to demonstrate compliance with the zoning requirements.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Application 11-38P, Buckland Commons $10,000 Stormwater Bond to be reduced by $10,000 to leave a balance of -0-.  Vice Chairman Pacekonis made a motion to approve, seconded by Commissioner Kuehnel. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

01/29/13 and 02/05/13 adopted by consensus

OLD BUSINESS:   see page 2



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. was made by Vice Chairman Pacekonis, seconded by Commissioner Wilson. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lauren L Zarambo